There were things that happened in my life and I didn’t see it for what it really was because I was way too close.
When I met with Dr. Reynolds on Monday night, there are some things discussed that I didn’t share. I wasn’t sure if I was going to either, until I realized that this wasn’t anything that probably hadn’t already been floating around in our heads anyway.
I will be talking about this in depth with Dr. Pattie Wednesday night, during the boys therapy.
Dr. Reynolds brought up that there’s a possibility that the behavioral problems Gavin had been experiencing over the years were essentially an ASD reaction to the volatile situation he was in. I’m sure I don’t need to go into details about that volatile situation and honestly, I’d rather not.
That being said, when we all experienced the massive life change, in October of 2014, Gavin literally went from needing to be placed in residential care ASAP because of his extreme violence to not having a single behavioral issue in almost 18 months.
Regardless of whether or not Dr. Reynolds theory is correct, I think the results speak for themselves..
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