I’m going to keep this short and sweet because I’m tired and hoping to sleep tonight. That being said, I could definitely not go to sleep without sharing this..
Gavin and I saw Dr. Reynolds tonight for a follow-up on his medications. What happened though was something that I never expected.
In all the years Gavin’s been going to doctors for things, he’s only ever had diagnoses added to the list. The opposite has never happened before.
There’s a first time for everything and everything has a time.
Gavin’s time was tonight.
Dr. Reynolds has removed his diagnosis of conduct disorder. I’ll get into the details tomorrow but for now, this is absolutely fantastic news.. ☺
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Totally agree. I think I said a while back that Gavin’s diagnoses needed review! What a great outcome for him (and you).
Totally agree. I think I said a while back that Gavin’s diagnoses needed review! What a great outcome for him (and you).