It’s been a really chaotic day. There was so much that needed to be done and a couple extra things that popped up along the way that needed squeezed in.
I’m not gonna lie. There was absolutely no room for error and unbelievably, there wasn’t a single hiccup the entire day.
The boys got to school, I recorded the first episode of Life with Autism, took my laptop in for service, hit the grocery store, picked the boys up from school early, took them to their doctors appointment, got them dinner, to my parents house and I was off to have the car worked on.
The sketchiest part of the day was the boys doctors appointment. They never run on time but today were seen on time and out the door in less than 30 minutes.
That was a lifesaver and frankly, the reason everything worked out.
When we finally returned home, Elliott did his homework (without a problem) and I started Gavin’s IVIG infusion.
The boys were sleeping before Gavin’s infusion finished, which is pretty decent timing for them. Emmett came downstairs once because he was hungry. I gave him some yogurt and he was back to bed for good, at least until he has a nightmare and races to glue himself to me in the middle of the night.
I’m feeling sorta lost without my computer but it will be back in about 3 weeks… At this point, 3 weeks could be 3 years because it feels like a really long time either way.
I spent the rest of the night on the verge of a fucking anxiety attack while watching the Cavs game. Holy shit, I think I aged 10 years during the 4th quarter and twice that during overtime.
That being, the take away from today is this.
No matter how bad I thought the day was going to be, I just pushed a head and did my best, without giving up. It paid off and I managed to get everything checked off my list.
Have faith and keep your chin up. You never know, things just might actually work out…
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