Shoe shopping for a child with Autism can and very often is, a seemingly impossible task. That’s the case when it comes to my kids with Autism.
Of course, it should go without saying that you’re experience may vary.
When I took the boys to the store over the weekend to get shoes, Elliott must have tried on 8 or 9 different pairs before we found these.
I have to follow their lead because I don’t know how they actually feel to them.
Sensory processing issues are a bitch and if I didn’t follow their lead, in this case Elliott’s, he would end up getting shoes that he couldn’t wear because he can’t tolerate them.

The only thing I required this time was a move away from velcro.
Elliott needs to learn to tie his own shoes and by not presenting him with that challenge, he’ll never overcome it.
I’m not heartless. It’s just that he needs really supportive shoes and velcro shoes don’t normally fall into that category.
Another reason is that the velcro shoes get destroyed faster because of how tight they need their shoes to be. Tie shoes are the only answer.
Elliott finally found a pair that were comfortable for him and I made sure they were the right size.
He was happy and that makes me happy. He needs to have good shoes to provide him with the arch support he requires and now that they’re tie shoes, he can make them as tight as he wants.
It really is a victory.
My next challenge is going to be Emmett. Challenge is a gross understatement, when it comes to shoe shopping with Emmett.
That said, it’s all part of an Autism parents job….. ☺
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Looking good Elliottt. I’ve been there Rob. No ASD but anxiety related SPD for our little one…must have tried on about 17 pairs one day
Looking good Elliottt. I’ve been there Rob. No ASD but anxiety related SPD for our little one…must have tried on about 17 pairs one day