Emmett’s already climbed into bed with me and I’m trying very much to put aside my stress load for the night.
Getting Emmett to sleep in his own bed is a work in progress but it’s ranking pretty low on the list of shit I have to work on.
Anyway, I wanted to end the night or start the day, however you look at it, on a positive note.
When it came to Elliott and his homework tonight, I met some resistance initially. Frankly, I think he was pretty spent from their fieldtrip to watch the Canton Charge play today. They’re affiliated with the Cleveland Cavaliers.
Anyway, I was actually surprised he decided to go because he struggles with all the loud noise amd it takes a lot out of him.
As dinner ended tonight, I reminded him that he owed me 9 minutes.
He became agitated but it seemed more like he was overwhelmed by the idea. That being said, it lasted but a minute or two.
After a couple of minutes, he buckled down, put his headphones in and turned his music on. He took on his homework like a champ and even continued for a bit after the timer went off.
You know, I’m not expecting this to be easy but this is definitely bigger than baby steps in the right direction.
I made sure he knew how proud I was of him but didn’t overdo it because he doesn’t like that.
Either way, I’m celebrating this victory and I really am proud of him. ☺😊
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