My day is jam packed and there’s very little margin for error.
I have to get the boys to school and head straight to Gavin’s physical therapy appointment.
Shortly after that, I have my meeting at the school, after which I leave immediately to take Emmett to occupational therapy and physical therapy at Akron Children’s Hospital.
From there I have to go pick Elliott up and head home in time to throw something together for dinner and head back out to Dr. Pattie’s.
It’s going to be a really chaotic day but I have it planned out to the minute.
The only thing that could throw a wrench into things is if Elliott or Emmett come home sick and that’s a distinct possibility.
Elliott’s got a nasty cough and Emmett was starting to cough this morning. Neither are running fevers but that could always change.
I need to get through today because there are some really important things happening that need to actually happen with me present. lol
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That is a full day! I hope they don’t get sick!!
That is a full day! I hope they don’t get sick!!
That is a full day! I hope they don’t get sick!!