For starters, Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays, whichever applies. ☺
I’ve been incognito for the last 24 hours and there’s good reason for it. I was really busy. lol
The boys had a good time with their Mom and Grandparents but wanted to come home early the next day. That presented a problem because we were still knee deep in preparations for their return.
My parents and siblings (and my sisters longtime boyfriend) built the boys the most beautiful bunkbeds for Christmas.
They bought the lumber and literally built them from scratch and they’re amazing.
Check out the video below..
We had just finished putting it together and everyone had left. I hauled old mattresses to the trash and was a little winded. lol
As soon as everything was done, I called and said they could bring the boys home.
Incidentally, I made a decision about how I was handling Christmas this year but I’ll talk about that later, in another post.
The boys were thrilled and they are currently fast asleep in their brand new beds. ☺
I’ll post more pictures to Instagram later.
Anyway, I want to thank my family for this amazing gift and wish them all a Merry Christmas. We love you all very much.
I have a few more things to catch you up on but I’ll leave that for later.
Have a great day everyone..
– RG
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Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Merry Christmas to you and yours!