It’s not that often that I really get excited about something but today was one of those days.
I dug into my bag of parenting tricks and told the boys that Santa sent out a memo to parents informing them that he expects their children’s room to be clean, prior to his arrival. 😉
Elliott, Emmett, Gavin and myself, worked together to clean the bedrooms.
Elliott and Emmett did fantastic and didn’t stop until the room was finished. Gavin is always a big help, so his cooperation was no surprise.
The boy’s room was bad and it took some work but they didn’t stop and never complained.
Santa’s going to be very happy when he visits the house because their room is clean and they all worked together to accomplish it.
I feel like this was totally a parenting win. ☺
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WTG! Santa had a big win and the boys cleaned their own room!!!!
Thanks 🙂