It was a really, really rough morning

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  • Post last modified:April 7, 2018

It was a pretty rough morning.  Emmett was really upset that I was pushing him to go to school.  I don’t really have a choice otherwise. 

There’s something very clearly going on and I don’t know if it’s medical (I suspect it is, at least in part), emotional or some combination of the two. 


Maybe these tummy aches are a manifestation of stress or distress? This is very possible because he has very, very limited expressive language skills. 

Either way, his fever cycles are back and how they related or contribute to this situation remains to be seen.

I employ creative means in which to get him willing to go to school.  Today involved my least favorite method,  bribery. 

It worked and I’m just hoping that he had a good day.

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Darcy Dallin

Does Emmett have these tummy aches during the day, either at home or at school? If he has them just before going to school and not during the day at school & not at home if he’s ever allowed to “get his way” and stay home (and I know you don’t do that often, if at all), than this is more likely psychological – which none of these are easy, quick fixing. Is Emmett “made” to work on/do something right away in the morning at school that maybe he can’t handle & get stressed out about & gets anxiety? (This was a big problem for my son). Or is Emmett allowed to move at his own pace with school work? How is Emmett’s morning environment at school? Is it loud & chaotic? No one can handle that! 🙂 As my son has gotten older (he’s 13 now), he has been able to adapt better.
Also is Emmett on any meds that can cause constant tummy aches? My son will be starting a new med (frightening!) and a side effect is upset stomach. Just changing when a kid takes a med or if he takes them with or w/o food sometimes makes all the difference. Good luck in getting this figured out!