This is a short post about what Emmett said tonight at therapy. I wish I had caught this on video because it loses its impact not coming from him directly.
Tonight during therapy, Dr. Pattie asked the boys to name a few things they were grateful for.
Elliott didn’t participate because he was not having a good night and refused to answer the question.
Gavin was grateful for his brothers blah blah blah..
When she asked Emmett what he was grateful for, he thought about it for a minute and with the most serious face he could muster, he said that he was grateful that he still gets to see his Mom. Then he says that he’s grateful there are no hurricanes where we live.
Both were very serious answers for him but the hurricane one was funny.
A few minutes go by and he interrupted the conversation and said that there was something else he was grateful for.
He said that some kids have to live in bad families and they are taught to do bad things like rob banks. He’s grateful that his family isn’t a family of bank robbers… ☺
I spend so much of my time, worried about failing him and his brothers.. I know I can’t provide everything they need and I feel so guilty because of it.
As it turns out, Emmett has very low expectations for me and I’ve been worried about nothing.. lol
This site is managed almost exclusively from my Samsung Galaxy Note 5. Please forgive any typos as auto-correct HATES me. 😉
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ha!!! Well you are doing a good job 🙂
Emmett sets the bar pretty low apparently. Lol
ha!!! Well you are doing a good job 🙂
Emmett sets the bar pretty low apparently. Lol
ha!!! Well you are doing a good job 🙂
Emmett sets the bar pretty low apparently. Lol