As long as Elliott and Emmett have been alive, we’ve been together for every single holiday.
I never envisioned a time where that would change, especially for the reasons it has but as with many things in life, we have to adjust and move forward.
The boys will be spending Wednesday night and then celebrating Thanksgiving with their Mom and extended family.
I’m happy that the boys will have this opportunity but at the same time, I’ll be left without the three most precious things in my life, on a holiday that’s all about family to me.
I know I have them all the time but that makes it harder to be without them.
There’s little doubt in my mind that the boys will have fun and get to spend some time with their cousins. That’s really important to me because whether my wife likes it or not, they’re still my family.
I want the boys to be connected to them in a meaningful way, even if I can no longer be myself.
As for me, I’ll spend Thanksgiving with my family. Hardly anyone is going to be there but it will be nice to be able to visit with my family without having to worry about the boys.
That’s a positive piece to come out of this.
I’m afraid I won’t be much fun on Thursday but at least I won’t be alone and frankly, this is something that I must get used to. It’s all part of the unpleasant side effects of divorce…
The positive take away from this is that the boys should have fun and I’ll get a break….
Here’s to new traditions and new milestones.. ☺
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New traditions arent a bad thing.
You know what we do now? It used to be I would fuss and stress. My family is spread far and wide, my daughter is a mess, my husbands family is toxic. We would go visit somewhere and it was awful no matter how cheerful we tried to be.
For a few years. I made the full meal and we invited folks over. It was fun, but we went another route.
Now, for the last 5 years we have started volunteering to serve a community meal over at Salvation Army. We arent members there but the church is close by. Thats where we donate Toys for Tots (I enter contests all year and donate some pretty cool stuff thanks to bloggers)
Anyway, there are plenty of volunteers so eventually we grab a plate of turkey and all the fixings, and go sit and talk and laugh and have a great time with the people who came to eat. There are families there, people who dont have others there, it is a hodge podge of people.
We have met the nicest folks, heard good stories,, sad storries, counted our blessings, and shook hands with people we might not have ever talked to otherwise. I aam looking forward to Thursday. I cant wait.
That was our change…. and change was good. New traditions are good.
Enjoy your Thanksgiving Rob, and may you and your family be blessed wherever you are or dong.
Can I ask why your wife will not allow you guys to do holidays together for the boys? I know you have been more than understanding and gracious thru out this whole process keeping things as amicable as you could. So why would her family and herself not want to just suck up the three hours and spend the holiday together?
It’s not really that. It’s more about not being confusing for the boys. It’s best this way for now but that is a goal for the future..
Can I ask why your wife will not allow you guys to do holidays together for the boys? I know you have been more than understanding and gracious thru out this whole process keeping things as amicable as you could. So why would her family and herself not want to just suck up the three hours and spend the holiday together?
It’s not really that. It’s more about not being confusing for the boys. It’s best this way for now but that is a goal for the future..
New traditions arent a bad thing.
You know what we do now? It used to be I would fuss and stress. My family is spread far and wide, my daughter is a mess, my husbands family is toxic. We would go visit somewhere and it was awful no matter how cheerful we tried to be.
For a few years. I made the full meal and we invited folks over. It was fun, but we went another route.
Now, for the last 5 years we have started volunteering to serve a community meal over at Salvation Army. We arent members there but the church is close by. Thats where we donate Toys for Tots (I enter contests all year and donate some pretty cool stuff thanks to bloggers)
Anyway, there are plenty of volunteers so eventually we grab a plate of turkey and all the fixings, and go sit and talk and laugh and have a great time with the people who came to eat. There are families there, people who dont have others there, it is a hodge podge of people.
We have met the nicest folks, heard good stories,, sad storries, counted our blessings, and shook hands with people we might not have ever talked to otherwise. I aam looking forward to Thursday. I cant wait.
That was our change…. and change was good. New traditions are good.
Enjoy your Thanksgiving Rob, and may you and your family be blessed wherever you are or dong.
Can I ask why your wife will not allow you guys to do holidays together for the boys? I know you have been more than understanding and gracious thru out this whole process keeping things as amicable as you could. So why would her family and herself not want to just suck up the three hours and spend the holiday together?
It’s not really that. It’s more about not being confusing for the boys. It’s best this way for now but that is a goal for the future..
New traditions arent a bad thing.
You know what we do now? It used to be I would fuss and stress. My family is spread far and wide, my daughter is a mess, my husbands family is toxic. We would go visit somewhere and it was awful no matter how cheerful we tried to be.
For a few years. I made the full meal and we invited folks over. It was fun, but we went another route.
Now, for the last 5 years we have started volunteering to serve a community meal over at Salvation Army. We arent members there but the church is close by. Thats where we donate Toys for Tots (I enter contests all year and donate some pretty cool stuff thanks to bloggers)
Anyway, there are plenty of volunteers so eventually we grab a plate of turkey and all the fixings, and go sit and talk and laugh and have a great time with the people who came to eat. There are families there, people who dont have others there, it is a hodge podge of people.
We have met the nicest folks, heard good stories,, sad storries, counted our blessings, and shook hands with people we might not have ever talked to otherwise. I aam looking forward to Thursday. I cant wait.
That was our change…. and change was good. New traditions are good.
Enjoy your Thanksgiving Rob, and may you and your family be blessed wherever you are or dong.