We had a really rough morning. Rather Emmett had a really rough morning and subsequently, the rest of us did as well.
I don’t know what was going in with Emmett but his level of distress this morning was pretty darn high.
The only thing I could really do was just hug him and I did just that.
At the end of our morning together, he suddenly felt better and did go off to school in a good mood. I got a hug and kiss before he left the car. ☺
I don’t know what the hell is going on but it can’t be easy for him and I know it’s not easy for me.
With all that said, it was a blessing that I got the dates screwed up again today because Maggie’s appointment to get her stitches removed ended up not being until Monday.
We were already running late today and this allowed me to somewhat regroup and get ready for my meeting this morning.. ☺