How’s Mr. Emmett doing this morning?

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  • Post last modified:April 7, 2018

After a rough night with Emmett and not getting much sleep because he was super clingy, it’s a brand new day. 

The question is how’s Emmett doing this morning?

Thankfully, Emmett’s having a great morning and doesn’t appear to be in any pain or discomfort. I haven’t directly asked him about his ear yet and that’s mostly because my sleep deprived brain hasn’t gotten there just yet. 

You could see the stress and anxiety in Emmett eyes yesterday. He was completely overstimulated and I’m not sure why. 

This morning however, it’s like someone hit the reset button and he’s been able to shake it all off and start over. He’s seems pretty happy today and while I’m not going to push my luck, I do think I will try to get them back out to the playground to have some fun before capping off the weekend with a shit ton of laundry. 

Autism is a human condition that really sorta networks into every fabric of the persons life. 

Some people are more profoundly impacted than others but everyone is impacted in rather unique ways.

In regards to Mr. Emmett, anxiety, perfectionism, sensory processing and expressive language are profoundly impacted by Autism. It’s made everyday things much more challenging than they really should be or would be, if the situation were different. 

As a parent, it’s my job to find ways to work with these challenges so Emmett can be as happy, healthy and successful as humanly possible. 😀❤️👍

Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)

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