This problem will add a new level of complexity to an already challenging situation 

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  • Post comments:6 Comments
  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post last modified:April 7, 2018

I mentioned before that there were going to be some challenges coming my way in the near future. Well, one of those challenges showed up this morning.

I debated about whether or not I should share this because some people will take this the wrong way. In the end however, I decided that I have no control over what other people think and if my goal is to help people, honesty is the best policy..

The reason I share these more personal things, in such an honest and transparent way, is because it’s the only means with which to provide a true window into my life as a single parent of three kids with Autism. It also helps people in a similar situation to know that they aren’t alone in their daily struggles.

With that in mind, I want to briefly talk about this new challenge as it will have an impact on the lives of myself and the boys..

Our natural gas has been disconnected as of yesterday. I knew this was coming and did everything I could to resolve the issue but in the end, it comes down to money, money I just don’t have.

Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Guest

    That’s pretty messed up. I have my kids full time and will never get any type of support. While it sucks, in my particular situation, I’d rather it be this way. It’s becoming really complicated and that type of help isn’t even on my list of realistic battles to fight.
    I wish you the best of luck. U0001f600

  2. Guest

    The thing that sucks the most for me is that it’s all a child support issue. It’s taken mesince February to get a court date to face their father in court. We had an agreement that he’s never stuck to, and he makes enough to. I’m not trying to be the life sucking b-word that people like to accuse ex-wives of being. The situations when special needs kids are involved are just that… Special.

  3. Guest

    I totally get it. I’m really glad you got it worked out.

  4. Guest

    I feel ya. I just got my electric turned back on after it was out for an entire month. Maryland has an energy assistance program.. And NO ONE will help you till you get your case processed through them first. I was lucky and they covered the entire amount, after taking 31 days to effing process.. But, it was just turned back on yesterday. Life is much easier with a TV.. And working stove.. And fridge.. And lights.. And air conditioning.. Lol

  5. Guest

    Shocking what these poor babies suffer…

  6. Guest

    LIHEAP wont help thats the federal program and thats once per year, but the agency you go to apply at might be able to give you some resources to contact or can contact on yor behalf. In our state, churches and organizations can and do help. Try giving them a call tomorrow.It might not pay your total bill but your power company may take that amount to get it back on and add the balance to future bills until it is paid off. (ye I worked at a place called Operation Threshold  many moons ago and they distrubuted LiHeap funds) 
    I have no clue what PIPP is, but if it is due too someone elses mistake, it might not hurt to try.
    I wish I could offer some help Rob…..

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