Thus is a long overdue update and I’m really sorry for not getting this done awhile ago. It occurred to me while finishing up my last post, that I hadn’t explained the outcome of our meeting with Gavin’s principal a couple of weeks ago.
After meeting with the principal, Lizze and I decided that Gavin will move on to high school and we would not be seeking for him to repeat the 8th grade.
After a very open and honest discussion with his super awesome principal, we got a better understanding of why we should let him move forward unopposed.
One of the biggest issues we’ve had all year is Gavin’s ability to exploit every possible situation and use it to his advantage. The principal at the high school doesn’t tolerate this type of behavior and neither do the teachers.
Gavin will jot be allowed to cheat on homework or tests.
He will be in a highly structured environment, with little wiggle room for him to manipulate his way out of doing his work.
Gavin needs this type of structure and routine to keep him applying himself to his schoolwork. Without it, he blows the work off.
At this point, Lizze and I feel as though Gavin will benefit more from the high school environment than he would repeating the 8th grade.
We can always reevaluate if need be but I think this is the best option, at least for right now.
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i am glad you made the decision. one more thing off your too do/worry list. Since you let me say what I want here (I appreciate it and as soon as I am on my feet I really will help support the blog. i hope it wont be too late) I will once again ask you to reconside the whole homework deal. it will keep you out of the middle of it. homework doesnt matter. really. remember i have a NT 22 year old with a chronic illness since he was 11 (just letting you know why i think i am qualified to tell you about my experience/right decision for my kid regarding homework LOL). It is your call and he is your kid (thank God he is as you guys are great with him and please hang in there) and I appreciate you letting me say this again. SCREW the homework. yall need to be out of the homework arena with him. Also, it would be so great if you could try and get a good video of him talking about something good. He is very interesting. please let him know I said that if you want. Have a great rest of the week
I think its a good decision and will be better for him long term. I had to do this with my daughter when she was in first grade. She passed but she was struggling and I felt it was best to retain her so that she could get another year of skills under her belt. She was born deaf and has two cochlear implants so she struggles with talking, proper speech and grammar, and understanding vocabulary.
Sounds like you have Gavin’s best interests at heart. Hang in there!
Makes sense to me.