Today already sucks. It sucks pretty bad.
While Lizze’s toe isn’t broken it’s still really messed up and is having a rougher fine walking today than usual. She’s likely to not but doing a whole lot today, other than resting.
Emmett woke up before 6am and wouldn’t lay back down. Lizze wouldn’t wake up so I took both he and Elliott (who wasn’t feeling well) downstairs.
I got Lizze up about 7 am and shortly after that, Elliott started puking. I guess he really wasn’t feeling well. Poor guy. I think his tummy is upset as a result of post nasal drip but since he puked and he’s still not feeling well, he’s back in bed for the day.
Gavin of course has his IVIG Infusion this morning.
Emmett is not in a good mood because he doesn’t want to be the only one of his brothers at school.
It’s gonna be real fun getting him into the car this morning…
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keep you in my prayers. I had three days a couple of weeks ago where I wanted to step out of my life for a couple of minutes and come back later when it was calm.
had that kind of morning here too…my son doesn’t understand that spring break means no school, and that it’s a good thing!! He woke up crying, and has been for the past two hours repeatedly saying, “no doctor no dentist” because that is what he associates staying home from school with.. Major anxiety even tho I have been trying to explain to him he has NO appts!! The anxiety seems to be increasing the older he gets..*sigh*
Hugs xxx
Been there. Hope the day gets better! xx
Some days you just keep swimming, and other days all you can do is tread water so you don’t drown. Hang in there, tomorrow’s another day. Hope your day improves.
I am right there with you, I may not survive this spring break
i hope you were able to get him off to school without much problems