Just received news from Akron Children’s Hospital

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  • Post last modified:April 7, 2014

I just heard from the pharmacy at Akron Children’s Hospital, in charge of providing Gavin’s IVIG medications and supplies… Apparently, we are going to try something a little bit different going forward. 

Currently, Gavin receives his infusion through three injection sites.  This basically divides the medication up so that he doesn’t receive too much in one site.  I think the max is 20 cc’s per site and at the time we were doing 60 cc’s per infusion. 

However, since this has been divided into two weekly sessions, they want to go with two sites instead of the three.  This will put 15 cc’s of Gammagard into each site..


It should also reduce the amount of time required to infuse the meds as well. 

Right now we’re just going to try this and see how it goes.  If he doesn’t tolerate it well, we will switch back to the original tubing and three injection sites….

Hopefully this will all go as planned.  The supplies are set to arrive sometime tomorrow morning…  Fingers crossed….

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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