I had to take Elliott to the store to get a couple pairs of jeans. He’s outgrown his and so I wanted to take care of this while we had the money.
Everything was going well and we picked out 2 pairs that looked like they might fit.
I’m the last person that should be picking out clothes for the kids because I’m completely size blind.
Where things went bad was when Elliott had to try on just one of the pairs of jeans. It was clear he was upset but he kept himself in check. You would have thought I wanted him to cut off his arm or something.
I guarded the changing room door and everything but he walked out of the door in tears but sporting a pair of jeans that fit really well.
He fell apart the moment we hit the parking lot. Then again when we got home and once more when it was time to take a bath. I’m pretty much at a loss on this one. I have no clue where the moodiness is coming from but I’m not afraid to admit that I feel like I’m in way over my head.
At the moment, he’s doing much better but it’s been an exceptionally long and trying day……..
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Lost_and_Tired I recently tried to get my 3yo to try on some shoes. Yeah, that wasn’t happening. Once an outfit is on, it can’t be removed!
At various times in my life, including when I was about Elliott’s age, I have found trying on clothes very unsettling. There’s a combination of bad lighting and vulnerability from changing clothes in a strange place, and there’s the fact that shops themselves can be very intense places. I always feel surrounded by people and like it’s the wrong temperature in shops – usually too hot – and it’s loud.
Probably the anxiety :-/