Today’s photo is one of Emmett, Bella, my torso and part of my leg. I want to share pictures like this because I think it’s important to be able to put a face to Autism.. Emmett is Autistic and loves to snuggle, eat suckers and play with his dog Bella.
It’s important to understand that this picture is of just one moment. It doesn’t represent what life is always like. What it does is help to humanize Autism and the people touched by but. That’s extremely important because way too often people think of Autism as a thing and seem to miss the human being.
Autism is not something that defines Emmett he is. It’s just something that sorta comes along for the ride. Sometimes Autism help can make life absolutely amazing and other times it’s a bitch.
When I look at this picture, I see Emmett and Bella. I don’t see Autism when I look at any of my kids but it is part of who they are, good, bad or otherwise. It’s a package deal and it’s a package that I’m honored to have had placed in my care. 🙂
This site is managed almost exclusively from my Samsung Galaxy Note 3. Please forgive any typos as auto-correct HATES me. 😉
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