This isn’t anything new but I’m trying to help people better understand what families like my experience with our beautiful little kids on the Autism Spectrum.
It’s important to know that everyone with Autism has the potential to be very, very different from one another.
The other day, I shared how Emmett was struggling with his shoes and socks. Typically, he’s much more sensitive than just his shoes and socks. Today happens to be one of those more sensitive days.
I thought I would ask Emmett why he wasn’t wearing clothes.
His answer was pretty interesting. I’m not sure that he fully understands why he doesn’t like clothes but I love his answer. I was lucky to get his attention away from Minecraft on the iPad. 🙂
This site is managed almost exclusively from my Samsung Galaxy Note 3. Please forgive any typos as auto-correct HATES me. 😉
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I think he more busy in minecraft lol
Well now you know lol. that was a great answer. at least you know at this moment why he doesnt like clothes. i think when my kids were little they didnt wear much. they are nt but hated the tags, the way sweaters felt, wouldnt go near a turtleneck and had to have a certain brand of undershirt as it was not so chaffing. they could have been just spoiled and i cut the tags out, didnt make them wear the sweaters and got them the brand of tshirts (that really ended up holding up better anyway) they liked. what do we know