I can’t help but be proud of his willingness to keep trying

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  • Post last modified:January 10, 2014

Even with all Gavin’s challenges, I really try my best to prepare him to be as independent as possible.  One of Gavin’s favorite things to do around the house is take out the trash. 

He’s been practicing for a couple years now and recently, we’ve backed off a bit and watch like a hawk from the window.

As simple as taking the trash out seems, it’s not easy for him. I don’t know if he’s actually taken the trash out and done it correctly the first time.  However, he doesn’t get upset when I have to remind him of something. 

The other thing is that he’s really trying and that’s what really matters to us. 

With Gavin, we have to employ repetition.  It may take dozens of attempts before he remembers to do what needs to be done when taking the trash out. 

Even though it would be easier for me to just take the trash out myself, Gavin does get a sense of pride out of being responsible for something like this.  Also, he stays on the sidewalk and doesn’t go into the street. 

I can’t help but be proud of his willingness to keep trying.  🙂


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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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