One of the things that I really like to do is give back to the community, especially the Autism Community. I’ve been kicking around a few ideas and I’ve settled on one.
Every Monday, I will select a blog from my ever growing blogroll and feature them for the week.
The will get a stickied post, announcing them as the featured blog, complete with links to available social media etc. I’m also working on embedding their RSS feed into said post or a sidebar widget, so that any updates that their site has will be visible to my readers for the week.
All you need to do is add yourself to my blogroll by visiting the following link: Add yourself to my blogroll.
To qualify the following things must be done:
1) Must add their blog or website to my blog roll via the above link.
2) The site or blog must somehow be related to the special need community. It could be a personal blog, a site that provides services, products or support. Something along those lines. The site must be family appropriate, meaning no gambling, illegal activities or pornography.
3) My a link to this site must appear on their site. Follow the directions when you add yourself to my blogroll and input the location URL where my link is located on your site.
4) Follow me on twitter and Facebook for up to date information and announcements regarding the Blog of the Week. You can do so via the following widgets.
Follow @Lost_and_Tired
Fill out the information and submit your site.
Please be sure to use this format for entering your web address:, the easiest way to do this is to copy your complete web address off of your address bar and then paste it into the form.
As soon as I see the submission it will be listed and appear in my blogroll on the front page of this site. It’s that simple.
Please include my link on your site as well by copying and pasting the following code into a text widget or other location on your blog or simply add me to your blogroll:
<a href=”” title=” Lost and Tired: Confessions of an Autism Dad” target=”_blank”>Lost and Tired</a>
 This code will simply look like this once added “Lost and Tired”
If you experience any problems adding your link to my Autism Blogroll, please don’t hesitate to Contact Me.
That’s it.
I will select one site per week, beginning this coming Monday. Once selected, I will share the site of the weeks information with my readers and push it through my network. The reason I’m doing this is because there are a great many blogs and sites out there that should be highlighted.
Not only does putting my link on your site help me, but you also have the benefit of yours being viewed by my readers as well.
You can connect with new readers and increase traffic to your own site, helping your voice be heard by more people and increasing ad revenue (if you have ads on your site).
I’ve built a significant platform here at Lost and Tired and I want to help everyone’s voice to get heard.
This site is managed almost exclusively from my Samsung Galaxy Note 3. Please forgive any typos as auto-correct HATES me. 😉
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To reach me via email, please Contact Me
That is a great idea to feature other blogs related to special needs. I like that you are sharing resources. I am stopping by from Picket Fence.
This sounds like a great idea. My oldest daughter is deaf and has cochlear implants. I have shared her story on my blog.
I often blog about my autistic son and his triumphs and tribulations, but unfortunately I also babble about a lot of other (read: non-special needs stuff). While I certainly would love to have a bone thrown my way, I’m not sure I’d qualify.
Absolutely Michael. 🙂 Just add yourself to my blogroll and enter the frenzy. 🙂
It’s always great to hear another Dad’s voice. 🙂