Lizze publically announced the other night that she has been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. While this diagnosis has been on the table for a few years, it wasn’t confirmed and actually diagnosed until just before Christmas 2013.
Lizze has been trying to process everything that we learned at that Cleveland Clinic appointment but it’s honestly a lot to take in.Â
She’s been struggling since gaining this knowledge because it’s a scary diagnosis, especially if you don’t understand what it means. At the same time, nothing has really changed. She’s still the same amazing person she was before but to her, everything is different.Â
To put this diagnosis in its simplest terms, this is basically what happened.Â
Essentially, Lizze has experienced so much trauma in her life, that it’s gone beyond PTSD and fundamentally changed the way she sees and interacts with the world around her.Â
People with BPD experience emotions very intensely, very easily and for much longer periods of time. This makes moving past very intense emotionally charged experiences very difficult. Those diagnosed with BPD have abandonment issues, difficulties with interpersonal relationships and extreme social anxiety.
What I found interesting and comforting was that when the doctors came back into the room and explained her new diagnosis, they wanted to make sure she understood that this doesn’t make her crazy.Â
They explained that Borderline Personality Disorder is absolutely debilitating because it affects every aspect of one’s life. They wanted to validate that what Lizze is experiencing is not laziness or irresponsibility. It’s a mental illness that has such a profound impact on a person’s life that they simply cannot function.
We learned that because of all the health issues that she has, her situation is worsened. The sleep disorder, Fibromyalgia, chronic migraines and menopause, only serve to make life that much more difficult and any treatment, that much more complicated.
The Cleveland Clinic has added Klonopin to her medication regime but aren’t touching anything else right now.
The goal is to continue intensive therapy and return to the Cleveland Clinic every month for medication management and further treatment.
With treatment, a person can learn to overcome much of what makes this disorder so debilitating. When symptoms are managed or no longer present for a period of two years, one is considered to be in remission.
Studies show that the vast majority of people that receive treatment can experience relief from the more distressing symptoms and maintain that relief for the long term. Every person is different and an individual’s milage with treatment may vary. However, I know Lizze and if anyone can overcome this, it’s her.Â
There’s a long road ahead of us but I think it’s amazing that she is willing to be so open about this. It takes a great deal of courage to share this type of information in the public forum and be willing to not only talk about it but also answer any questions that you may have.Â
Please check out Lizze’s personal blog My Life Beyond Labels for more information and to read more about her story. She’s very willing to answer your questions and connect with others with the same diagnosis.Â
For my part, I’ll share this journey from my perspective and how it impacts me as a spouse but this is Lizze’s story to tell and I would never presume to know what she’s thinking or feeling.Â
This site is managed almost exclusively from my Samsung Galaxy Note 3. Please forgive any typos as auto-correct HATES me. 😉
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i take clonipin at night for my anxiety. I take mine at night and i wont have anxiety nightmares (such as going to the gas station getting gas and having no way to pay for it, which is impossible nowdays). i am sure it helps me the next day. of course it seems everybody i know has anxiety and when they got their clonipin it LITTERALY has changed their lives.
I’ve had lots of people share the same thing. Lizze seems to be doing really well in it thus far. It just makes her even more sleepy.
unfounately for me after all these years it doesnt make me sleepy but that is why i take it at nite 9:00 it will help her have resred sleep
With all of these illness’s preventing her from working, she should qualify for Disability. Please seek a lawyer, I know that this will help with things financially.
We did that about 2 years ago. She was denied and we had to fight it in court. The attorney told us that she wouldn’t qualify for more than $100/month.
the attorney might have said that but he is incorrect. try again please
We were told that based on her last day worked. Why would you say that the attorney is wrong? I’m curious because we could really use the disability and if there’s a chance…….
there is social security and there is disability which are two different things. it God forbid, she went blind it wouldnt matter about past income she would be disabled. take a look at the social website and also check with your new doctor and see if he knows anything
I agree that the attorney could be wrong and it would be worth revisiting this subject. Make sure that you apply for disability and not SSI. Plus with all of her medical issues she would qualify for medicare, medicaid too. With the kids having disabilities too you should be able to apply for SSI for each of them as well. Most attorney’s offer free consultation and they will help you with the process.
The disability people are such jerks. I know a person who applied due to mental issues. She had also recently seen a doctor for back pain (a muscle spasm), The SS people had her back X-rayed, then pronounced her “not disabled” because nothing was wrong with her back! Of course nothing was wrong with it; that wasn’t why she was applying for disability and they knew it perfectly well. And the taxpayer had to foot the bill for the X-rays and everything for the entire useless endeavor.
I’m pretty sure a close relative of mine has a borderline personality, but this person won’t admit anything is wrong with them and so there is no chance of getting a diagnosis or any treatment. It’s pretty sad actually. I’m glad Lizze is getting treatment because I know relief is possible with this condition.