We made it to the Cleveland Clinic almost 30 minutes early. I always forget how weird the setup for the psych clinic is. We have to go to the 5th floor to check in and then get back on the elevators and go down to the 4th floor to wait.
It doesn’t seem terribly efficient but it does burn a few extra calories for this overweight Autism Dad. 🙂
This is actually the same place we had Gavin to when we came for a second opinion on his many, mental health diagnoses. I remember thinking it was a weird setup then as well,
Anyway, we made it safe and sound and are just waiting for our turn. Hopefully, this will be a positive appointment and we can begin the week and the new year on a hopeful note.
This site is managed almost exclusively from my Samsung Galaxy Note 3. Please forgive any typos as auto-correct HATES me. 😉
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