Holy Cow, this is a MAJOR victory

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  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post last modified:December 10, 2013

I’ve been sharing some of the struggles we are having with Gavin and school. He’s not reading directions and so much of the time, his homework isn’t even close to being done correctly. 

One of the things that we are trying to get him to do is slow down and read the directions. 

There is a section of his Math homework that is actually testing his ability to read the directions.  The questions are simple and the answers are pretty obvious and located directly in the directions. 

Gavin never readable directions so he never gets these questions right. 

Some of the answers he comes up with are obviously fabricated and have nothing to do with what he’s being asked to do.

However, Gavin showed me his homework today and to my surprise, he actually read the directions.  He even got the answers correct and I was completely floored by this and gave him a high five. 

I’ve never seen him get any of these answers correct. 

Now I know he can do it.  Hopefully, he’ll continue to slow down and read the directions going forward. I’m really proud of him and I made sure he knew it.  🙂


In the image above, you can see that he did the work correctly.  His handwriting is a work in progress but it’s clear that he took the time to read the directions and that’s awesome. 

This site is managed almost exclusively from my Samsung Galaxy Note 3. Please forgive any typos as auto-correct HATES me. 😉

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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great job Gavin. I hope the afterschool homework time is helping everyone on the learning and stress front


JadeCaddick it sure is. I started off a preemie mom now I also advocate for Special Needs, Autism, SPD, Speech Delay & Develop delays


sweetiesmama Added you it’s amazing how social meadia connects you to people all over the world who are on the same but different journeys.


JadeCaddick DM anytime. …on fb I’m charisse mora-medina


JadeCaddick hilarious. Plus lots of tips, stories, ideas etc …we are a close bunch who’ve never actually meg. But, we never feel alone


JadeCaddick I love sharing Sweeties stories, our life, I’m glad to meet you. Friend me on FB. They daily rants of myself & my friends is


sweetiesmama on the spectrum. It’s insightful to see how life is for other families xx


sweetiesmama I love reading your posts, thank you for being so honest & sharing your lives! My son Mylo is 29 months and I’m adamant he’s


AspieMum thank you so much 🙂


Lost_and_Tired #Autism #Family Well done Gavin