She’s my best friend and seeing how much she’s suffering is killing me

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  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post last modified:December 9, 2013

One of the most difficult things I’ve ever had to do in my entire life, is watch my wife go through the things she’s going through.  She’s my best friend and seeing how much she’s suffering is killing me.

It’s so hard to find a way to live with the fact that there is very little I can do to help her. 

The demands on me from the kids alone, is all too often, more than I can handle.  I don’t have enough for the kids, let alone my wife and her ever increasing needs. 

I’m heartbroken over this whole thing and I keep pushing myself to be more of what everyone needs but it never see to make much of a difference. 

Lizze is getting all the help we can find for her and she’s in good hands. As her husband, I just wish there was more I could do. 

Anyone out there have a chronically ill spouse or partner? How do you manage? It’s be nice to connect with some people that understand..

This site is managed almost exclusively from my Samsung Galaxy Note 3. Please forgive any typos as auto-correct HATES me. 😉

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. reonyea

    My fiance has chronic mental health problems, and it is very hard to watch him suffering, especially when he cuts himself (which he doesn’t do in front of me, but I see the wounds). I mostly just look for the good times, and try to put the bad days behind us as quickly as possible, because as with fibro, there’s not really anything I can do to help.

  2. Lost and Tired

    Meaghan1985 that’s so incredibly kind of you.  Thank you so much.  🙂

  3. Meaghan1985

    My local radio station has a thing called 17 Days of Christmas where you send in Christmas requests and they grant 17 of them. Usually for people in need. I sent in a request explaining you and your family’s situation and asking if they could maybe help you out for Christmas. I dunno if they’ll pick you or not, but it’s the least I could do.

  4. rjones22

    Unfortunately, I can’t help you because I can’t seem to pick a man (2) that is man enough to stay around and take care of business like a real man does. I a not in the market for another man unfortunately. I know Lizzie is so glad you are there and I commend you being an example to your children that a real man does what you do, hang in there and make it work the best you can. They are alive, fed (even Gavin), you have electricity and medicine and food and i dont have a DAMN word to explain how terrible it is that I can’t help yall. I do pray, but a check would help lol. they have a contest at work for decorating the best desk and I did good and it would be $50 gift card for the winner and there is only four of us but anyway I usually win stuff and I hope I win and will send it to your po box. I will let you know if i win either way. Thanks for being a great example for your family. now i need to go memorize the new presentation for work and take my vp with me on an appt and use the old presentation. doesnt that sound real fun, but i am glad because i got the job (with a career path Whoo Hoo)

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