#Autism educational app review: “Kids Sight Words” by @Intellijoy

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  • Post comments:6 Comments
  • Reading time:4 mins read
  • Post last modified:December 7, 2013

Today I’m reviewing the educational app called Kids Sight Words by a company called IntellijoyThis app is being reviewed on an Android device and I’m unsure of its availability on iOS (aka iPad/iPhone).


What this app does is help your child, with or without Autism, to learn and practice their sight words.  There are multiple grade levels that can be selected to adjust the degree of challenge. 


This app presents a fun and engaging way for kids to learn new words and be able to recognize them by sight. Hence sight words.  There is tons of positive reinforcement for making progress and my kids really had fun, as they progressed through the levels. 

You can check out the video below for a brief walk through of the first level of this game. 

I really like Kids Sight Words because I think it can really benefit those kids that maybe need some extra help, identifying their sight words, as well as those that just want to practice. 

It’s a game that sorta grows with your kids because as their skill level increases, they can increase the difficulty. 

The app comes in two versions, lite and full.

The lite version is absolutely free.  You get access to a portion of the app, so you know what you’re buying before you plunk down your hard earned cash. 

The full version is pretty self explanatory.  It’s the very same game, only you have access to the entire game.  The cost of the full version  is $2.99. It’s a bit steep but honestly, it’s worth it in my opinion.  You can try the free version out first and if your child enjoys it, than simple purchase the full version later on. 

Intellijoy has a ton of really awesome educational apps on the Google Play Store. 

Links to the apps on the Google Play Store

Kids Sight Words Lite (Free)

Kids Sight Words Full ($2.99)


This site is managed almost exclusively from my Samsung Galaxy Note 3. Please forgive any typos as auto-correct HATES me. 😉

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. rjones22

    thanks for bringing these to our attention so we can pass them on

  2. Rebecca Bishop Curriden

    I appreciate it either way

  3. Lost and Tired

    Also, this was not a sponsored review. I’ll always let you know that. I’m selecting apps that I like and recommend.

  4. Lost and Tired

    I love Intellijoy and they’ve been a big supporter of my Android4Autism project.

  5. Rebecca Bishop Curriden

    Looks like they have it for iOS as well!!!

  6. Nicole Logan

    I love their apps! We have several other apps from them. I’ll have to check that one out

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