I wanted to share a little bit of the lighter side of Autism with all of you. Life is rarely easy for my family but there are moments that in the middle, that really warm my heart.
This is one of those moments.
Emmett was snuggling on the couch with his living, breathing weighted blankets. They are called Maggie and Bella. It’s amazing just how much insight these dogs are capable of.
They know what he needs when he’s upset or melting down. They just sorta climbed up on the couch and lay across his little legs. The weight is very calming for Emmett and before to long, he’s face to face with his best friend Bella.
It’s been a little while since we’ve been able to allow this do to the flea problem our neighborhood had this Fall.
It appears that everything is finally under control and we can once again, snuggle with the canine members of our family.
This is truly a blessing to be able to provide this type of situation for Emmett and the other boys. While I’m totally biased, I really believe that we have the world’s best dogs.
Emmett sure thinks so…… 🙂
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i want a weighted blanket for myself. or better yet one of those squeezing machine that the famous autistic person that works with cattle etc came up with. it makes sense as we swaddle babies and we like hugs. i know a lot of autistic kids can’t stand being touched but i know their body craves the hugs. it has to be unbearable
Hello this is Keegan again from the Sluis Academy. I could not agree more dogs are truly a mans best friend. They help you through the hard times and are there for the great times. Im glad your son has a dog there for companionship and to keep him company when he is stressed. Hope you have a good thanksgiving.