Gavin’s is really acting strange, even for him. It’s like his brain is just shut off today. It might just be the excitement over Thanksgiving but something just doesn’t feel right.
Lizze and I hadn’t discussed our concerns with each other yet but while I was giving Emmett a bath, she said we need to watch him today.
She and I were independently seeing the exact same thing and we were both concerned.
Please God, just let everything go as smoothly as possible today. I would really like to avoid the hospital and any unnecessary drama. Gavin’s really looking forward to today and the poor kid doesn’t always have things to look forward to.
For right now, we are just going to have to keep a close eye on him and see what happens.
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i am late on this post i hope he is ok
Thanks everyone. So far so good. 🙂
Hope it goes well!
Prayers that your day goes well and that “whatever” is up takes a hike.. Blessed Thanksgiving to your family