Occupational Therapy: Helping my #anxious son with #Autism and #SPD to cope

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  • Reading time:4 mins read
  • Post last modified:October 9, 2013

One of the things that I didn’t understand before becoming an Autism parent was just how many different aspects of life can be improved by things like OT,  PT and Speech therapy.

Fast forward and a decade later, I’m all too aware of the benefits of these amazing therapies.

All three of my boys with Autism, SPD and various other special needs, have derived great benefit from these therapies.  While insurance has a nasty habit of not wanting to pay for these therapies and we often have to fight to get these covered, it’s well worth the effort. 

Today is a great example of one of the many benefits OT has on my kids, Elliott in particular. 

Elliott was having a rough day when I picked him up from school to take him to his Occupational therapy appointment.  He was still upset, even after arriving and deciding on his activities for the session.

However, the moment he began the activities, his entire demeanor changed.  It changed for the better.

Participating in the physical activities help to ground him and provide relief from a day full of overstimulation. You could see a weight being lifted off of him. 

After 30 minutes of fun, physical, activity, Elliott left in a much better place than when he arrived.

What’s your experience with these types of therapies?




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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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