I’m thinking of making a change

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  • Post comments:9 Comments
  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:June 14, 2013

In an effort to make Lost and Tired more user friendly, especially on the mobile side, I’m contemplating making a change to my commenting system.  I personally love LiveFyre but it’s not very mobile friendly at the moment. 

They’re reworking the mobile side and so functionality has taken a big hit. 

Here’s what I’m thinking about doing.

It’s possible to have one plugin that would give you multiple options as far as leaving a comment is concerned. 


Right now this plugin allows Google+, Facebook, regular wordpress and disqus. It’s actually pretty cool because it syncs comments between Facebook, Google+ and this site. This means that if you comment here on the site using the facebook option, your comment will show up in the facebook thread as well and vis versa.

Same thing goes for Google+. 

Eventually, I think LiveFyre will get integrated but for right now, it would just be Facebook, Google+ and stock wordpress. 

You as my readers play a vital role in the continued success of Lost and Tired and I want to make sure that engaging in discussion is as easy and user friendly as possible. 


This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. 😉

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Randall Ric

I was thinking this change may help with your MySQL problems that you have been having.


You need to learn how to spell so when anonymous guests post your automated “annoymous” doesn’t come up, and your other readers mock the person posting for spelling issues, when it was your fault to begin with cause you couldn’t set it up right – hey thanks!


@Annoymous Anyone who mocks someone over petty spelling issues really needs to get a life.


@Annoymous Once again, I don’t automate anything.  If there is a typo, it’s on LiveFyre’s side.  I don’t control anything like that.  If you don’t like it, stop hiding behind it and share when you really are.


I don’t see any comments now, including my own (under the first playground post) 

Trish Morrin

I just like to comment here, its much easier. Comment, comment, comment.


I find it so odd that everyone has been having trouble with Livefyre as I’ve never ever had trouble with it yet and it’s been my favorite system thus far.


I tried to comment on my phone in 2 browsers and the comments will not work, my phone is an Android Gingerbread on a custom rom.


Livefyre has been nearly impossible to comment under; in fact several times I’ve just given up.