#Autism Awareness Prepaid VISA Debit Cards: Get Yours Now

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  • Post last modified:June 9, 2013

#Autism Awareness Prepaid VISA Debit Cards



Click me to sign up for this card
Click me to sign up for this card
Click me to sign up for this card









Hey everyone, I wanted to share something really cool with you all. Independence is something that Lizze and I are working very hard to foster in our boys. I think that for most parents of kids with developmental delays, such as autism, independence is a significant goal.

I have partnered with Cards.com to bring you the Autism Awareness prepaid VISA debit card. This card is a great way to show that you are Autism Aware but more importantly, it’s a fantastic way to assist your child in transitioning into independent living. This card will allow your child to practice managing their own budget and do so in a safe and secure way.

The fee’s schedule is listed below. As you know, prepaid cards always come with fees. While this card is no different, they are reasonable and straightforward.


Enrollment Fee No fee
Monthly Maintenance Fee $5.95 per month*;
waived when you load at least $800 in the prior thirty (30) days via direct deposit.
Card Activation Fee No fee
Inactivity Fee No fee
Domestic ATM Cash Withdrawal Fee $3.00(per transaction)
International ATM Cash Withdrawal Fee $3.00(per transaction)
POS Transactions Fee No fee
Over-the-Counter Withdrawal Fee(Domestic and International) $3.00(per transaction)
Value Load (Direct Deposit) Fee No fee
Value Load (Retail Location) Fee No fee
Voice Response Unit (VRU) Inquiry Fee No fee
Customer Service Live Agent Fee No fee
Balance Inquiry
PIN & ATM transactionsDomestic and International ATM
$1.00(per transaction)
Card Account Liquidation Fee $7.00(charged if a check is issued for funds on your Card Account and Card Account is closed)
Paper Statement Fee $2.00(per monthly paper statement requested)
Expedited Card Fee $20.00(per card; when Card is expedited and reissued or replaced for any reason)
Foreign Currency Conversion Fee 2.95%(per transaction)
Replacement CardWe do our best to protect you. If your card islost or stolen, email support@card.com or call(888) 884-5969 and we’ll immediately replaceyour card and ensure your funds are secure. $7.50

 Signing up for the card that gives back

SIgning up is fast and easy. You have to be 18 years of age or older, but it literally takes 60 seconds and there is no credit check. Your card will arrive within 7-10 business days and you’re ready to go.  As I said, fast and easy.

If you order your card using one of the below linked card images, a portion of the proceeds come back  to Lost and Tired to help continue our mission of helping others. 


Click me to sign up for this card
Click me to sign up for this card
Click me to sign up for this card









If you decide to order a different logo on the card, Lost and Tired can still benefit by simply adding my affiliate ID to the end of the URL.

For example:

https://www.card.com/autism-awareness?option=0&afid=157     The affiliate ID is highlighted.

In order to make sure that a different card is credited to Lost and Tired, simply copy and paste the following text to the end of the URL of the card you desire and press the enter key on the keyboard.



Reloading the Autism Awareness Prepaid VISA Debit Card

Refilling the Autism Awareness Prepaid VISA card is fast and easy.

You can reload your card in the following ways:*

1) Direct Deposit

2) Money Pak

3) Western Union

4) PayPal

5) Bank Transfer

Something else that’s really good, especially from a parents perspective is that you can set up text message alerts. When your newly independent child makes a purchase or drops below a certain balance, you can be notified. This helps you to monitor from a distance without having to hover. You, as the parent, get peace of mind and your child feels independent and responsible.**

My personal thoughts

One of the things I try to accomplish with this website is to help educate the world as to what Autism can be like. I try to quash stereotypes and help the world to see each person with Autism as the unique individual they are. One of other main goals is to help other families that are going through something similar to what my family is.

I also like to connect people with the technology or services that have benefited my family and could very likely benefit others as well.

The Autism Awareness Prepaid VISA debit card is one of those things.

As the years go by and my kids get older, especially Gavin, who’s now 13 years old, we have to begin planning for their future. My goal is to help my kids be as independent as possible and that includes managing their money. Thankfully, we have another 5 years before we really have to worry about some of these things, something like this debit card, will be in my toolbox that will help my boys to reach their potential.

Independence is really a relative term, meaning that it can and will be different for each person and family.

I plan on using things like this prepaid debit card to help Gavin learn to manage his money on his own, while letting me safely keep tabs on things from a distance. If you ask me, this is a hugely positive thing.


*It’s important to note that as with other cards, some retailers charge a fee to process the reload.

**Please note that at the time of publishing, I have been unable to set up alerts. I have an email into card.com and I’ll let you know what I hear back. 

Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Thia is a neat idea. I have a debit card with my bank and I was allowed to customize it with whatever image I wanted, so I created a shaded blue background with multiple colored puzzle pieces in the foreground. I love it.


Silachan thanks.  I really liked it as well.  🙂