The boys came home from their grandparents in rare form. Especially Emmett, he was causing a lot trouble with his older brothers.
I had to use every last drop of patience I had, just to male it through the day without doing loco.
Emmett refused to brush his teeth last night and ended up having a really big meltdown over it. Since he was already having such a rough day, we decided not to pick that battle.
Sometimes, as special needs parents, we have to step back and ask ourselves, is this particular attention worth it?
Do any of you folks out there do the same thing? Do you have to pick your battles as well?
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My wife and I have definitely had to do this on more than one occasion. Sometimes it was with regard to brushing teeth, sometimes hair, or the outfit our daughter picked out that day. We are not bad parents if she misses one or two brushings over the course of a week 🙂 If the choice becomes being right but losing my cool in the process or just living to fight the battle another day I try to opt for the tactical retreat. The only ground I can’t give up on is when it comes to her safety. Good call on this Rob, keep up the good work.
timothysburby well said. I can definitely say that I agree with you about the safety things.