Confessions of a frustrated #Autism Dad: Can’t win for losing

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  • Reading time:4 mins read
  • Post last modified:May 6, 2013

Lizze was already done for the day when I struggled to wake her up this morning.  She’s in bad shape today and went back to bed because it’s the only thing that she could really do. 

She did manage to make contact with the doctors at the Cleveland Clinic this morning, she was supposed. 

She had to make the initial contact and then give consent for me to take over.  We are now waiting for returned calls and appointment times.  Her OB/GYN wants these appointments as soon as humanly possible because as long as this goes untreated, Lizze’s body is being destroyed from the inside out. 

Because of everything going on, she needs to employ a team of doctors to address the different parts of this, from different angles. 

I love Lizze. She’s my best friend in the whole world. I would do anything I possibly could to help her, in any way that I could.  My heart breaks for her and not one ounce of me faults her for any of this.

With that said, I’m really frustrated. 

Our family is in a really bad place and I need to focus my limited resources on getting us out of this situation and moving forward.  Unfortunately, today will be another day where not much of anything gets accomplished.

With Lizze being down again, I’m watching Emmett by myself. 


Mr. Emmett John is um…….quite the handful, especially lately. 

Not that there would ever be a good time for Lizze to be down, but this is honestly one of the worst possible times.

I mean with Emmett alone, things are crazy.  Emmett’s never done a lot of the things he’s been doing.  We have to watch him like a hawk, especially with small objects. He’s also become very impulsive and has been getting hurt quite a bit lately as a result. 

His little legs are covered in bruises from falling up the steps.

Anyway, it’s so frustrating because I can’t do anything but watch the boys and write a post from my phone to keep me from going crazy.

All I want to do is work to improve our situation but it’s like the powers that be are conspiring to make this impossible.

On the positive side, Emmett will start school in the Fall and I will finally have the ability to focus on everything that has been back burnered for so long. Unfortunately, we’ve been using the back burner for almost a decade and there’s a huge pile of things that need attention. 

We can’t win for losing.

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Gosh, that’s tough! At least he starts school in the fall. What about getting him re evaluated for a classical autism diagnosis so he can qualify for some state services like respite/habilitation, and give you a bit of a break? Would also help him catch up on his skills in a few areas as well.