What’s your favorite thing to do with you kids?

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  • Reading time:1 mins read
  • Post last modified:February 24, 2013

As a parent, one of the things I like most,  is the moments like this.  Do you have a favorite thing to do with your kids?


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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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@tarasview @lost_and_tired Camping!


@Laurab0310 @tarasview @lost_and_tired cool


@sarahdawndesign go out and eat


@AspieWriter @lost_and_tired We prefer warm days,walks to the park/dog, tossing footballs,frisbee,basketball, playing tag. Winter is 2 long.


My boys love to play video games with their father. The youngest loves to kick and hit a martial arts punching pad we have in the house. Guess who gets to hold it for him? Me. Their latest thing they have me doing (literally force me to do) is making up ridiculous stories about a crazy wrestler named Mickey who thinks he’s tougher than he really is. Mostly he gets in stupid adventures and battles superheroes. It’s part of our bedtime story routine, and they sometimes won’t go to sleep without it. I’m eventually going to run out of ideas for this series, though.