How fish can heal the broken heart

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  • Post comments:7 Comments
  • Reading time:1 mins read
  • Post last modified:October 17, 2012

Last night before bed, Elliott made me this paper fish and said that he made it for me so that I could feel better. 

He told me,  remember Daddy, fish is really good for you.

How could I not smile and feel better.  The truth is that at the moment he gave this to me, I was sitting  at the dining room table, in the dark and alone.  I was trying to keep it together but not doing a good job.

Elliott’s gift of fish, was just what I needed to feel better. 

Thank you so much Elliott.  You’re so sweet and I love you so much.  You definitely helped me to feel better.  🙂


Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Mary Franzen Costell

    Bet that made you want to cry different tears. It does me.

  2. kat13

    That is super sweet of him! And it proves you that you are doing the best you can, as well as you have a proof that at least one of your children still does care about your well being and loves you with all his heart!

  3. OnyxPanthyr

    That is adorable.  🙂

  4. dotdash

    That is such a touching story.  Wow.  And what a wonderful way he was able to make use of the dual meanings of "good for you" — that's quite a beautiful thing.

  5. ChrisCrane

    Sometimes our kids(asd) can be amazing and preseptive beyond their years,What a kind thing to do for you,reach out and  touch you,and say in his own way,it will be ok and I need you to be ok . What a sweet boy,you and Lizze are great parents remember that in these difficult times with Gavin. Praying for long term placement for Gavin ,and help and answers for you all .

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