Fears of regression

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  • Post comments:2 Comments
  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post last modified:October 17, 2012

Yesterday I had mentioned we received some concerning news about Emmett. Unfortunately, it was drown out by all the Gavin drama.

However, Emmett therapists are concerned that Emmett is retreating back into his shell. Before Emmett came out of his shell last year he never spoke. It was actually believed that he was deaf because he failed all his hearing screenings. He would never respond to anyone or react to any noise.

We had been learning and teaching him ASL. Out of nowhere, he suddenly began to emerge from his shell. No one is sure how or why but we didn’t question it. Fast forward a year and a half and he is beginning to demonstrate those same behaviors again.

It’s not as bad but both his speech and OT brought up their concern, independently of one another.

They had both been noticing that he’s pulling back into his shell.

They also noticed that he’s once again becoming frustrated, very easily. When he get angry or frustrated he acts just like Gavin. He hits himself, he tenses up and growls at them. Other times, he just puts his face in his hands and remains silent.

Lizze and I have both been noticing this trend and I’ve written about it a few times. However, it becomes more real when others begin noticing it as well, especially without being asked. Lizze and I have long feared something like this happening to him. This doesn’t mean that we should panic but it does mean that we have to keep him moving forward.

The school of thought at this point, as you may have guessed is Gavin’s behaviors, or rather their impact. The reality is that Emmett has been repeatedly traumatized by extremely loud and violent tantrums. Much beyond that, we simply don’t know for sure. However, this does make it more important than ever to maintain speech and OT.

That means fighting the insurance company and further advocating for Emmett’s needs. Right now, I’m trying to hold it together. Lizze is literally falling apart and I feel powerless to help.

We need take survive two more days with Gavin before he goes to her parents this weekend. We actually see Dr. Reynolds in about 2 hours and hopefully we can plan for what to expect as we begin this new journey. All we can do right now is hold on for dear life.

We’re moving through rough and turbulent waters and we can’t let anyone fall off the rocking boat or worse, allow the boat to capsize.

Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. kat13

    Give Emmett some time… With all the stress he acquired at home, it is his response to it. My daughter had these delayed draw backs due to some changes at home/school before a lot! And recently we had rather unpleasant  and really confusing incident with her new speech therapist that I am fearing of some draw back in some near future do to this incident. 
    Also I know you don't have too much free time, but try reading (yourself and Lizzie) the chapter in that yellow book about how to re-direct his self-injuries (I can't remember the number, but towards the end somewhere). The sooner you will be able to get rid of that trait, the better it is for him, so it doesn't get into his routine. After all Galvin is his peer at home, so copying his behavior is something would be expected unfortunately.

  2. Chloe123

    For when he is frustrated, do you think a choice board would work? With pictures or pecs of what he wants?

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