#Autism, #ADHD, #Anxiety and Medications

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  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:September 18, 2012

Yesterday was Elliott’s medication appointment.  It has been decided that the best course of action is to treat what may be ADHD.

The logic behind this is that we aren’t sure what’s what.  There are any signs of ADHD and anxiety. 

The reason we are going to address the ADHD first is because the medications work immediately.  This means that if it is ADHD playing a role,  we can provide Elliott with the fastest relief by addressing it first. 


We will then reassess and decide if the anxiety is still present.

All we are waiting on is two assessments to be reviewed before we decide what medication to try. 

It’s sometimes really difficult to know what’s what, especially in younger kids. Unfortunately,  the truth is, that things may sometimes need to be teased out.

This is exactly what we are doing.

This may seem like a weird approach but it’s the safest and I stand by this decision.

This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct hate me.

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. kat13

    Also, I wanted to share what I've been told by my friend who had been diagnosed with ADD and autism, and who had been taking ADD medication since he was a kid.
    He likes to take it everyday because he said going on and off of it is really difficult on his body as well as he starts having nightmares when he gets off the medication. 
    We also tried to get my daughter a break this summer from it, but everything (behavior wise) just had gotten so bad (she was easily frustrated as it seemed for no reason, an anxiety went up), so we decided to keep her on it after 2 weeks being without it. And now she says that her brain doesn't work right without it.

  2. kat13

    I want to add also what I've been told by my friend who had been diagnosed with ADD with autism, and had been taking ADD medication since he was a kid. He likes to take it everyday because he said going on and off of it is really difficult on the body for him as well as he starts having nightmares when he gets off the medication. 
    Just thought I would share this because I tried to get my daughter a break this summer from it, but everything (behavior wise) just had gotten so bad, so we decided to keep her on it.

  3. Kibblet

    I got relief from my ADD within AN HOUR of starting medication (Vyvanse). It was amazing. (I got diagnosed in my 30s.)

  4. SarahBolier

    my son colton has adhd as well as autism and he recently started taking intuniv in addition to the ritalin he has been taking for years and I it is working well he is calmer and his "motor" isn't on overdrive 🙂 We have tried other meds in the past and I think intuniv is great and really works…Hope you find something that works for Elliot 🙂

    1. kat13

       @SarahBolier I can also relate my daughter to a lower anxiety levels when she is on ADHD meds. She is just generally calmer and is able to listen and think, instead of instant panic without being able to listen to any reasonable explanation or being able to think through the situation herself. 
      So I hope you guys can find something for his ADHD that will lower anxiety as well… 

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