I’m soooooo tired of these meltdowns

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  • Post last modified:August 10, 2012

Gavin is having a huge and I mean huge meltdown right now.  I managed to get him to his room and shut the door.

I’m sitting outside his door and making sure that he doesn’t leave.

At the moment, he’s hitting himself with anything that he can. I’m way to friggin tired to deal with this right now so I’m not even watching him. I’m just going to sit outside the door and make sure he stays put. 
Right or wrong,  I honestly want nothing to do with this right now.

This whole thing is because he was caught lying to Elliott,  5 times. When approached about this he got upset.  The end result being that he doesn’t get pizza for dinner like the rest of his brothers.

That is why he’s freaking out. 

This whole thing is ridiculous and unnecessary but he is actively choosing this path and so it is what it is.

I hate these meltdowns…. If they were your more typical autism related meltdowns that would be different. These aren’t and so I don’t have the tolerance for them.

At least not one was in harms way and it was mostly contained to his bedroom. It was noisy,  sure, but everyone else was physically safe.

**Thanks for reading**

       -Lost and Tired

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This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct is working against me.

Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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At that age I did call 911 a few times and just cops showing up and talking to my son made an impact. They let him know that I am his parent and I provide for him, so whether he liked my decisions or not  he needed to follow them or he would be without. Gavin likes the hospital because he is the center of attention. Maybe he needs to see what a jail is like and how violent behavior could send him there instead of a nice hospital with food he likes


 @PurpleLogicGlitch That's something I'm thinking about as well. That's definitely something to think about …. Great advice….Thanks