Behavioral Crisis: Update 07/21/2012 (12am)

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  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post last modified:July 21, 2012

Lizze and I just arrived back home.  We have to be back up there by 9am tomorrow.  Here’s what’s going on.

Gavin has been admitted. He will be in what they call the FYI program.  I don’t know what that stands for but basically,  it’s very restrictive and he has to earn everything.

He is also being shadowed because of his sexually aggressive behavior.  He will never be left alone,  for both his safety and everyone else’s.

This a bad thing for Gavin in the sense that he less likely to get away with anything. However,  this is what has to happen. 

They also let us pick out his meals.  This takes the power away from him and removes any reward and fun from this visit.  Let me explain.  Gavin is super syched to be there because he loves all the attention.  However,  what he loves most is picking out his own food.  We have taken that away and the hospital supports that idea,  which is awesome.

Gavin is not going to be a happy camper but so be it.  He’s not there for have fun.  He’s there to work and learn. 

I always say that this needs to be a negative experience with a positive outcome.  Does that make sense?  This has to be a learning experience for him.  It has to serve as a deterrent for his negative behavior. 

Honestly,  I don’t hold out much hope that this will work.  However, I’m very optimistic about this being a step in the right direction. He will likely transition to a more long term care facility. We are on the same page with the staff and they support and agree with this approach. 

This makes things so much easier.

We’re going to get more information in the morning and I’ll pass it along. 

Thank you for all the love and support.  I really,  truly appreciate it. 

**Thanks for reading**

       -Lost and Tired

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This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct is working against me.

Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Patsy Nape

    My heart breaks for you all. This has to be the worst thing in the world for you all to go through.

  2. Mike

    Ya know man, who knows what the best thing is? Maybe this is it, maybe you've yet to find it. But keep searching and you will. You and your family are deeply in me and mine's thoughts. Wish we could have helped more…. Mike

  3. Tara Safarian on Fac

    Will he ever return back home or is he going to be living at a facility now? Praying for you family!

  4. tmbmt

    Wow I hope you guys were able to eat and will be able to get at least a little rest before you have to head back there tomorrow. Even just a week or two would probably be great for all involved, let the younger boys relax and regulate a bit, give you guys some much needed rest, and among other things, with Gavin's autonomic issues he's close to the care he needs already if he has another episode.

  5. marc was most excited about the food at the hospital. they gave him a cheeseburger in the emergency room

  6. Brianne

    I think that you guys are making the best decision for not only gavin but for yourselves as well. If being there is all fun and games for him, he won't take anything out of it. I pray for you guys to stay strong during this emotional time.

  7. Carl Young on Facebo

    marc was most excited about the food at the hospital. they gave him a cheeseburger in the emergency room

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