#Autism and Allergies

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  • Post last modified:June 3, 2012

I know that my kids tend to be a bit more complicated than some.  However,  I was wondering if your child on the #Autism spectrum struggles with allergies?

Elliott and Emmett both have seasonal allergies and do not respond to typical allergy medications.

Their immunologist has them on plain old benadryl.  Elliott gets it at night,  until schools out and then he will join Emmett in taking it in the morning and at bedtime.

I was wondering if their lack of response to other allergy medications has anything to do with #Autism?  Do anything of your kids experience similar things?

Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Theresa Putnam

My son is 12 and he has had seasonal allergies for as long as I can remember. We have tried several combinations of allergy meds over the years, but I think our current regime is working. We give Claratin (Loratidine) in the morning and Benedryl before bed. One thing I have learned from my experience as an RN and as the parent of an autistic child, no med regime will be effective forever. Hope you find the magic combo soon.

Lesley Banks

New trials are being undertaken by doctors in the USA, Germany and Italy, in the use of GcMAF to treat the symptoms of autism. Dr Bradstreet in the USA discovered the effectiveness in 2011, after tests showed that most autistic children have elevated nagalese levels, and research by all the doctors puts the success rate at about 80%.
The most common reported improvements concern cognitive abilities, attention and focus, learning and understanding, receptiveness and awareness of the environment; in addition receptive language (understanding new and complex sentences) and expressive language (ability to pronounce the first words, or improvements in speech fluency) and social skills improved. They also reported improvements in behavior: less hyperactive and more cooperative. Parental anecdotes express joy and amazement at the improvements in their children.
Because it works by correcting deficiencies in the immune system, it may well be that this could help allergies too, but it may be worth checking with your GP or Dr Bradstreet

Larissa Klymenko

Max is SO allergic to seasonal allergies this year that he is getting rashes, hives, etc,. just from being outdoors!!!! He used to just get the typical itchy eyes, sneezing, coughing, etc. Ugh!!! This is on top of all his food allergies (every nut out there, apples,pears, soy, limes, carrots, etc.). And yes, we are on benadryl also. I try to do it only at night on school days, though when it is at its worst, I do give it to him in the mornings. Just saw the allergist again, and he wants us to try Allegra again, or Claritin (without the decongestant). His teachers at school blamed them before for hyperactivity, various behaviors, etc., and they didn't seem as effective, so we took him off. Of course, now they say he is tired lately. DUH …. He is on allergy meds (Benadryl). Can't win!! Will try to find a better solution in the future!!! Though I must say, Benadryl has worked

Nicole Leebeck

Jr spools up like the energizer bunny on Benadryl, yet if he takes zyrtec it knocks him out. Scarlett doesn't seem to be affected in either direction. I think it just depends on the kiddo 😉


Yes! mine have allergies terrible, my aspie mostly…and he's on a divided dose of Zyrtec chewables, 10 mg, half in the a.m. half before bedtime. Sometimes in between I still must give him a prescript of generic Dimetapp that has a very old antihistamine, decongestant (you show driver's license for) and cough med combined – that's like half a tsp, when things are very flared up. My other son responds to NO allergy med, or responds very badly as in irritable, rotten, mean, crazy, so oddly enough, Singulair works on him, again a chewable, this one is once a day. It agrees with him but works completely different than other allergy meds which is probably a big plus for us.
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