I spoke with Lizze about an hour ago and Gavin was having a lot of chest pain. Whether is reflux or actually cardiac remains to be seen. He’s on meds for that so it’s likely not reflux.
He is not able to walk because as soon as he stands up his heart rate shoots up and his blood pressure crashes.
At this point, they can’t find anything wrong. He’s not sick and it’s not medication related. He is pumped full of fluids to the point that his pee comes out as clear as it went in. It would appear as though they have addressed the dehydration and yet it’s not changing anything. They are bringing his neurologist in sometime tomorrow.
I don‘t know of he will be released tomorrow but it’s looking as though he won’t be at this point. That could of course change as time goes on.
She also said that he’s sleeping right now and so she going to try to sleep on the tiny, uncomfortable couch.
As much pain as this is causing her right now, she’s better off there than with the boys and the dogs down here. I can honestly say that while I know me staying home is the right thing to do, it doesn’t feel like it.
I feel like I’m letting him down because I’m not there and if God forbid, something should happen, I won’t be there.
I don‘t like any part of this. I feel sick today my stomach and I am so beyond overwhelmed right now.
Anyway, I wanted to thank you all for your support today. All the kind words, thoughts and prayers mean a great deal to us. Thank you all so very much. We’ve all of you and promise to keep you all informed as I get information. Please have a peaceful night.
**Thanks for reading**
-Lost and Tired
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Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any typos as auto-correct and I don‘t see eye to eye.
Thinking of you all.
Have they checked for blood clots? He could have something blocked within his system that's causing this.
Rob, any chance it's food poisoning? That sounds like the symptoms my dad had when he had salmonella. The toxins caused something like septic shock where his vascular system relaxed and his blood pressure plummeted. A vascular system not under tension is leaky, and you can pour fluid into it, without fixing the BP. (I'm sure you know all this, but not sure your overtaxed brain is running differential diagnosis efficiently!)
I tried to post this ealier… My brother has had an anxiety problem for as long as i can remember. He gets severe chest pains, fainting/black outs, trouble breathing, vomiting, etc… If he gets too stressed or anxious, that is exactly what happens. I agree with Denise that it is quite possibly an anxiety problem. You all are in my thoughts and prayers today, and every day.
I agree with Denise,it's very possible.
Oh..and the chest pains too….my son does that too…(that's what made me think of telling you this in the first place!)
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Just a thought, I know you're probably konked out by now, but because of all Gavin just went through, might it all be anxiety related? I say this because my son with OCD, anxiety disorder, can not take too much at all. He just freaks at some point, and then gets ill…he gets checked, they can't find anything, other than a racing heart, near fainting, panicking, stomach/throwing up and even intestinal prob, and you think he's ill…like the horrible flu from Timbuktu, but really it's all anxiety. And once his symptoms are addressed (comforted more than anything..), it begins to calm down. Now I HOPE it could be something as complex but simple as that for Gavin. At any rate, he is in my prayers….and your poor wife, what a trooper! God grant you all strength!
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