Surviving Solo: The first 24 hours

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  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:May 1, 2012

As if this week wasn’t challenging enough,  I’ve had to add two more appointments to the ever growing list of things going on this week.

Today, I have some running around to do but I get to drop Emmett off with my Mom for a little while first

When I’m done,  I’ll pick him up and try to get him his nap.  Then Emmett and I will pick up Elliott from school.  While we’re there,  I have to somehow have Gavin’s IEP meeting,  while watching both kids.

It should be short and sweet but challenging nonetheless. 

When we finally get home,  I’ll have time to get the boys dinner and pack them both up so they can see Dr.  Pattie tonight.

Hopefully,  I survive that long.  I’m so tired it’s not even funny.  Last night was a rough night because Emmett wanted to squishy couch. Basically,  we push the two couches together like a giant bed. It was the only way to keep him from freaking out over the fact that no one was home.

Something to note: pushing two uncomfortable couches together simply makes one,  giant,  really,  really uncomfortable bed.  Add to that a three year old that likes to cling and two large dogs and that’s a recipe for a restless night.

I’m really hoping that Lizze and Gavin get released early because he’s doing so well on the medications. As soon as I get that call,  Emmett and I have to drive up and pick them up.

Special needs parenting has got to be one of the toughest and most demanding jobs in the world.

**Thanks for reading**

       -Lost and Tired

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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If I can picture this right…Two couches pushed together, so the cushions are together withotu a gap and the backs of the couch kind of form a wall of sorts? Maybe he finds it comforting kind of like a crib or railing would be. I used to do this with my bed since we only had one couch.

I now just sleep on the inside of the bed with my bf on the outside. x3


I have a post pending that will put your curiosity to rest 🙂

Stay tuned