Emmett John is my 3 year old with #Autism and #PFAPA. He’s many things, amazing, sweet, loving, compassionate, intelligent and challenging. I could go on and on listing his qualities but I want this to be a short post.
Among all the things listed, Emmett is also a filler.
What do I mean by a filler? Well, Emmett likes everything to always be full. If he drinks some of his Gatorade, for example, he needs to open another one and top it off.
When the hand sanitizer is low, he fills it up with water.
He’s a filler… 🙂
What I don’t however get, is that he’ll empty one bottle of Gatorade in order to fill another, and he’s okay with it. :-!
Do any of your children have the proclivities? I would love to listen if your willing to share.
**Thanks for reading**
-Lost and Tired
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Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any typos as auto-correct and I don’t see eye to eye. 🙂
Yep, mine was an emptier, too. Shampoo and soap especially…
Okay can someone explain to me what the deal is with autism and emptying soap and shampoo bottles? My daughter does this too and it isn't the first time I've heard of it lol.
My recent post My Name is Kaitlin and I Have a Problem
My Amanda is his opposite. She likes to empty things. Cups of coffee on the counter? Dumped down the sink. That can of Diet Coke I just opened? Dumped down the sink. The bubble stuff she was playing with? Dumped on the ground…..
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