On Thursday afternoon, Elliott and I will be checking into Akron Children’s Hospital for a period of 24 hours. In that time, Elliott will undergo a 24 hour long EEG.
We know from his previous EEG, that he is having some seizure activity, especially while asleep. The 24 hour EEG, affords us a chance to better understand what is happening and how bad it actually is.
Elliott’s actually very excited about this test. He’ll get to be the center of attention for a whole day. This is a complete turnaround from the anxiety filled disaster he was the last time.
I don’t know if it has to do with the Risperdal, or if he simply knows what to expect.
I know he’s excited to play video games the whole time and have them serve him, lunch, dinner and breakfast in bed. He literally can’t wait to go.
I really hope that holds up because the 1 hour EEG was bad enough with him freaking out. 24 hours is a really long time to try and manage that level of anxiety.
Here to hoping all goes smooth…
**Thanks for reading**
-Lost and Tired
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