Better safe than sorry

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  • Post last modified:March 7, 2012

We finally made it home,  relatively unscathed.  Elliott got 2 boosters and was not a very happy camper but he survived.

His doctor took a great deal of time with us today and I totally appreciate that.

It was decided that the risk to Elliott significant enough to warrant a consult with his immunologist.  That is the safest road to take right now.  If he had a reaction this time it’s very likely that it could be worse. 

We are going to have his antibodies checked to see if the vaccine boosters is even necessary.  If it is,  well,  we’ll just have to cross that bridge when we get there. 

For now we just need to watch him for the next day or so to make sure he doesn’t have a reaction to the ones he did get today.  Hopefully,  all will be well and there won’t be any return trips to the hospital in his future.  🙂

**Thanks for reading**

       -Lost and Tired

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Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive the typos. Auto-correct and I don’t get along very well.

Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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