Stealing from a special needs family: update 4

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  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post last modified:January 25, 2012

I got some news and then had to throw that news out the windows as more news followed.

Confused?  You and me both.

I spoke with the claims adjuster this morning and they now weren’t sure if the van was actually totaled.

So after having up,  I was left kinda hanging.  I mean,  I don’t know what I’m supposed to do.  If the van is to expensive to fix than now might be a good time to cut our losses. 

On the other hand,  if the van can be fixed, then the question becomes whether or not it’s worth it to fix. 

This van has been a nightmare,  literally.  It’s unreliable and unsafe.  It has been a serious money pit.  We have invested 8x more intimate repairs then we paid for the van in the first place.

I don’t know what the right thing to do is. If they total the van out,  we could be left with nothing. If the van does get fixed,  then we will have our van but be right back in the situation we were to begin with,  unreliable and unsafe.

Unfortunately,  in the end I’m not sure how much choice I have in the matter.

Take matters more confusing,  after I spoke with the claims adjuster,  I heard back from the body shop.  Since the snow has melted,  they have found more damage.  The scary part is they haven’t even moved the van,  so we have no idea if there are mechanical issues as well. 

He was going to update the estimate with the new find and let State Farm know.

Shortly after hanging up with the body shop,  I heard from the claims adjuster again. She told me that the van was repairable but barely.

I asked if she had the updated estimate and she knew nothing about it. 

So now we’re back to where we started,  knowing nothing for sure. 

State Farm is going to call the body shop and figure out what is going on.  All of this happened during a winter storm,  so the van has been covered in snow.  As the days are warming up the snow has melted away and they have a better idea of what we are dealing with in the damage category. 

It makes sense to me.  I just have no idea what to do.  Should I started looking for a new car?  If so,  the move may have to be delayed. This really sucks………..

I need an easier problem for once. One that I can actually answer and said answer,  it clear cut,  right or wrong.

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Onyx Panthyr

Honestly Rob, I look at it like this.

You spend ridiculous amounts on keeping that thing running. And once you do, something else shows up which costs more money. It also means you don't have a vehicle because it's down at the shop. Then you have to scramble to try and find a way to get to the appointments that your family needs. The amount of money you waste on that POS could be put into a new car that is reliable and SAFE. I'd think that even though that's a monthly payment you'd have to budget for, isn't it worth the peace of mind to not have to worry about the safety of your vehicle while you're out like if the brakes act up? And also to know that you'll get to and from where you have to without breaking down and having the kids meltdown while you have to arrange for a tow?

If you don't want to get a totally new van (which might be better) you could always go used again, but from a reputable dealer that will guarantee the thing. I think you should insist on the insurance company totaling it out and fight to see if you can get any money back for the brand new repairs you just put into it in the last month.

gods bless