Joining the circus

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  • Post last modified:January 19, 2012

Everyone in this house us driving me crazy.  Lizze always jokes about running away and joining the circus.  That sounds like a good idea right about now.

Ironically,  Gavin is handling things the best right now,  however,  that may be because he is just shut down.

He has been very quiet and timid today,  which is out of character for him lately.

I have hidden myself away right now because I just can’t take the whining anymore. 

Elliott’s anxious to begin with but his DSi is on its last leg.  He gets really far in his Mario game only to have the system shut down and lose all his progress. 

I give him credit because he keeps trying but it’s honestly a losing battle.  His little world revolves around his DSi and he’s really starting to get frustrated.

Emmett has been screaming,  literally, all day.  He is exhausted and running a fever again……but it’s only a mild one and nothing serious.

Gavin and Elliott are going to their grandparents for the night so they can get to and from school in the morning.

I’m working on securing the house and replacing the dead bolts. 

I really wish they hadn’t kept the keys.  That really bothers me and makes me nervous.  I’ll likely sit up all night with the lights on so there’s no way anyone can sneak in. 

I’m hoping Lizze will get some rest tonight but she is so stressed out right now that I don’t see that happening.

It’s gonna be a really long evening and I’m not looking forward to it. 

I’ve been watching River Monsters on Netflix lately,  maybe I’ll finish the series tonight 🙂

I want to thank everyone for all the support and kind thoughts.  You all mean a great deal to us and your friendship is very comforting.  Thank you very much….

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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