Wait, that’s a typical guy thing.. Alright!!

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  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:January 16, 2012

Elliott is a sweetheart of a child.  Having said that,  he is extremely anxious and we’ll,  basically dislikes germs. Keep in mind that both of those descriptions should be considered understatements.

Lizze and I were cleaning up after dinner and getting meds ready when Elliott comes running downstairs in a panic.

I ran upstairs to find out what had happened and this is what I found.

Personally,  I think this is hilarious and such a typical guy thing to do. Wait a second,  that was a typical guy thing,  wasn’t it.  Alright Emmett. 

However,  Elliott was really upset for two reasons. 

One,  his DSi could fall and take a rather unpleasant bath.  Two,  even if it didn’t fall into the toilet,  it does make anything better because now it has Emmett’s penis germs all over it.

Elliott actually handled it very well and seems to be doing better with the germ thing.  Kudos to Elliott for not freaking out and I have to say kudos to Emmett for not dropping it…and being a typical guy.   🙂

Perfect ending to an otherwise imperfect day………….  At least I got a laugh…  🙂


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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Stacy B.

I have to remind my son ( aspie, age 8) not to take his DS or his tablet in the bathroom with him all the time.