Keeping in touch

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  • Post last modified:January 15, 2012

A few months ago my little sister moved out to the Hampton’s .  She took a job as a physical therapist after finishing her doctorate last year.

Anyway,  since the boys don’t see very often anymore we have setup a standing time on Sunday nights in order for the boys to Skype with their Aunt Kate.

They love catching her up on their week and hearing about what is going on inherited life. 

It’s important for them to keep in touch.

It helps them to feel closer to her as well as makes the reunions less stressful for them. 

I love Skype,  the boys can use it from the tablet or from the personal Android4Autism devices. 

In the picture below,  all three of the boys are gathered around the Tablet and taking turns talking to their Aunt.


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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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